Thursday 1 June 2023

Exploring Unique Beauty and Ancient History: A Journey to Jordan

   The introduction

Located in the heart of the Middle East, Jordan is a country steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. From ancient civilizations to modern-day developments, Jordan has a fascinating story to tell. With its diverse landscapes, including deserts, mountains, and the stunning Red Sea coastline, Jordan offers a unique blend of historical sites, archaeological wonders, and outdoor adventures. As the country borders Israel, the West Bank, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, it serves as a crossroads between different cultures and civilizations. Whether exploring the rose-red city of Petra, floating in the Dead Sea, or trekking through the rugged landscapes of Wadi Rum, Jordan offers a captivating journey through time and an opportunity to experience the warmth and hospitality of its people. Join us as we delve into the wonders of Jordan and discover the captivating tapestry of its history, landscapes, and vibrant culture.

Exploring Unique Beauty and Ancient History: A Journey to Jordan
Exploring Unique Beauty and Ancient History: A Journey to Jordan

 Information about Jordan

Jordan, officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is a country located in the Middle East. It shares borders with Saudi Arabia to the south and east, Iraq to the northeast, Syria to the north, and Israel and Palestine to the west. The capital and largest city of Jordan is Amman.

Jordan has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It was part of various ancient civilizations, including the Ammonites, Edomites, and Nabateans. The region was also under Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic rule at different times. The city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, showcases the ancient Nabatean civilization and attracts tourists from around the globe.

The modern state of Jordan emerged in the 20th century. It was initially part of the British Mandate for Palestine and gained independence in 1946. Since then, Jordan has been a stable monarchy ruled by the Hashemite dynasty. King Abdullah II has been the reigning monarch since 1999, continuing the country's tradition of political stability.

Jordan is known for its diverse landscapes, which range from the arid desert of Wadi Rum to the fertile Jordan Valley and the shores of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth. The country also boasts historical and archaeological sites such as Jerash, Ajloun Castle, and the Umm Qais ruins.

The population of Jordan is predominantly Arab, with Arabic being the official language. Islam is the predominant religion, with the majority of Jordanians being Sunni Muslims. However, Jordan is known for its religious tolerance, and other religious communities, including Christians, live harmoniously within the country.

The Jordanian economy is considered one of the most developed in the region. It relies on industries such as tourism, information technology, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. The country has made significant progress in improving infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Jordan has played an active role in regional affairs and has been a key player in efforts to promote peace and stability in the Middle East. The country has welcomed refugees from neighboring conflicts, particularly those fleeing the ongoing civil war in Syria.

In recent years, Jordan has faced some challenges, including economic pressures, water scarcity, and hosting a large number of refugees. However, the government and people of Jordan have shown resilience in addressing these issues and maintaining stability.

Overall, Jordan is a fascinating country that offers a unique blend of ancient history, natural beauty, and warm hospitality. Its strategic location, cultural heritage, and commitment to stability make it an important player in the Middle East.

life in Jordan

Life in Jordan offers a unique blend of modernity and traditional Arab culture. The country's rich history, warm hospitality, and diverse landscapes shape the everyday lives of its people. Here are some aspects of life in Jordan:

Culture and Traditions: Jordanians take pride in their cultural heritage and traditions. Family plays a central role in Jordanian society, and strong social bonds are highly valued. Traditional customs, such as hospitality, are deeply ingrained, and it is common for guests to be warmly welcomed into Jordanian homes.

Food: Jordanian cuisine reflects the country's history and geographic location. The national dish, Mansaf, is a flavorful combination of lamb cooked in yogurt sauce and served with rice and flatbread. Other popular dishes include falafel, hummus, tabbouleh, and maqluba. Jordanians also enjoy drinking tea, often flavored with mint, and Arabic coffee.

Religion: Islam is the predominant religion in Jordan, with the majority of Jordanians being Sunni Muslims. The call to prayer can be heard throughout the day, and mosques play a significant role in community life. However, Jordan is known for its religious tolerance, and other religious communities, including Christians, live peacefully alongside Muslims.

Education: Education is highly valued in Jordan, and the country has made significant strides in improving its educational system. Schooling is compulsory for children aged 6 to 16, and both primary and secondary education are provided free of charge in public schools. Jordan has several reputable universities and educational institutions that attract students from across the region.

Language: Arabic is the official language of Jordan, and Jordanian Arabic is the most commonly spoken dialect. English is widely understood and used, especially in urban areas and among the younger population. Signs, menus, and official documents are often available in both Arabic and English.

Leisure and Entertainment: Jordanians enjoy a variety of leisure activities. Traditional dances, such as the dabke, are performed on special occasions and celebrations. In urban areas, shopping malls, cinemas, and restaurants offer entertainment options. Outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and exploring the country's natural wonders are also popular, with destinations such as Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea attracting both locals and tourists.

Social Life: Jordanians value social connections and spending time with family and friends. Cafés and outdoor spaces are popular gathering spots, where people come together to socialize, drink tea or coffee, and enjoy conversations. Friday, the Muslim day of prayer and rest, is considered a weekend day, providing an opportunity for leisure activities and family time.

Challenges: Like any country, Jordan faces its share of challenges. Economic disparities, unemployment, and the strain of hosting a large number of refugees pose significant social and economic challenges. Water scarcity is another issue, as Jordan is one of the world's most water-scarce countries, leading to the need for careful water management and conservation efforts.

Despite these challenges, Jordanians are known for their resilience and strong sense of community. They navigate the complexities of modern life while cherishing their cultural heritage and contributing to the progress and development of their country.

Jordan's real history

Jordan has a rich and diverse history that spans thousands of years. The region that is now Jordan has been inhabited since prehistoric times, with evidence of human settlement dating back to the Paleolithic era. Throughout history, the area has been home to various civilizations and has witnessed the rise and fall of empires. Here is an overview of Jordan's real history:

Ancient Civilizations: The land that is now Jordan was part of several ancient civilizations. The Ammonites, Edomites, and Moabites were among the earliest known inhabitants. The city of Amman, Jordan's capital, has roots dating back to the Ammonite civilization. The Nabateans, who built the famous city of Petra, established a prosperous trading empire in the region during the 4th century BCE.

Roman and Byzantine Period: The Roman Empire conquered the region in the 1st century BCE and incorporated it into the province of Arabia Petraea. The Roman period brought significant development and urbanization, with the construction of cities like Jerash and Umm Qais. Christianity also spread in the region during this time, and several early Christian communities were established.

Islamic Rule: In the 7th century CE, the Islamic Rashidun Caliphate conquered the area, bringing Islam as the dominant religion. Jordan was part of various Islamic caliphates, including the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. During the Umayyad Caliphate, the city of Amman became a major administrative center. Jordan's strategic location on trade routes contributed to its importance during this period.

Crusader and Ayyubid Period: In the 12th century, the Crusaders established several fortresses in Jordan as part of their campaigns in the Holy Land. These fortifications, such as Karak Castle, witnessed conflicts between Crusaders and Muslim forces. The Ayyubids, led by Salah ad-Din (Saladin), eventually drove out the Crusaders and reestablished Muslim rule in the region.

Ottoman Rule: The Ottoman Empire gained control of Jordan in the 16th century and ruled the area for several centuries. During this time, Jordan was part of the vilayet (province) of Syria. The empire's influence can be seen in the architecture of various towns and cities, including the Ottoman-era houses in Amman's downtown area.

British Mandate and Independence: After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the region came under British control as part of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. In 1921, the Emirate of Transjordan was established, which later became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The country gained full independence in 1946.

Modern Jordan: Since independence, Jordan has experienced political stability under the Hashemite monarchy. King Abdullah I, who ruled from 1946 to 1951, played a crucial role in shaping the country's early years. Jordan faced several challenges, including conflicts with neighboring countries and hosting Palestinian refugees. King Hussein, who reigned from 1952 to 1999, oversaw periods of growth and development and played a significant role in regional politics.

Present-Day Jordan: King Abdullah II has been the ruling monarch since 1999. Jordan has positioned itself as a key player in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. The country has welcomed refugees from neighboring conflicts, particularly those fleeing the ongoing civil war in Syria. Jordan continues to face challenges, including economic pressures, water scarcity, and regional instability, but the government and people of Jordan strive for progress and stability.

It's important to note that the history of Jordan is a complex tapestry with numerous historical events and influences from neighboring regions. This summary provides a broad overview, and there are many more intricacies and Jordan has a rich and diverse history that spans thousands of years. The region that is now Jordan has been inhabited since prehistoric times, with evidence of human settlement dating back to the Paleolithic era. Throughout history, the area has been home to various civilizations and has witnessed the rise and fall of empires. Here is an overview of Jordan's real history:

The old name of Jordan

The old name of Jordan is Transjordan, which was used prior to the country's independence. Transjordan was the official name of the territory that was created under the British Mandate for Palestine, which was established by the League of Nations after World War I.

The name "Transjordan" referred to the geographical location of the territory east of the Jordan River. It was used to distinguish this region from the area west of the Jordan River, which was known as Palestine.

Transjordan was established as a separate entity from Palestine in 1921, with Abdullah I, the son of Sharif Hussein of Mecca, appointed as the Emir. Initially, Transjordan remained under British administration as a semi-autonomous emirate.

In 1946, Transjordan gained full independence from Britain and became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The name change reflected the country's transition from a British-controlled territory to a sovereign nation.

The name "Jordan" was chosen to reflect the significance of the Jordan River, which flows through the country and serves as a natural border with Israel and the West Bank. The name also pays tribute to the historical and biblical associations with the Jordan River, which holds religious and symbolic significance for various faiths.

Since gaining independence, Jordan has been officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the name "Jordan" has been widely recognized and used internationally. The term "Transjordan" is now primarily used in historical contexts to refer to the period before Jordan's independence.

History of ancient Jordan

The history of ancient Jordan is rich and spans several millennia, with evidence of human habitation in the region dating back to prehistoric times. The area that is now Jordan has been a crossroads of civilizations, witnessing the rise and fall of numerous ancient cultures. Here is an overview of the history of ancient Jordan:

Prehistoric Period: The earliest evidence of human presence in Jordan dates back to the Paleolithic era, with archaeological sites such as 'Ubeidiya near the Jordan Valley. Neolithic settlements, characterized by farming and the domestication of animals, emerged around 9,000 BCE. Notable Neolithic sites include Ain Ghazal, Jericho, and Beidha, where impressive archaeological discoveries have provided insights into early human societies.

Bronze Age Civilizations: During the Bronze Age, several ancient civilizations flourished in the region. Around 3200 BCE, the city of Jericho, located in present-day West Bank but historically associated with Jordan, developed one of the world's earliest walled cities. The Canaanites inhabited the region during this period, leaving behind important archaeological sites like Tall Hujayrat al-Ghuzlan.

Iron Age Kingdoms: The Iron Age saw the emergence of several powerful kingdoms in the region. The Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites were among the prominent ancient Semitic peoples who established kingdoms in present-day Jordan. The Ammonite capital, Rabbath Ammon (modern-day Amman), became a significant political and cultural center.

Nabatean Civilization: In the 4th century BCE, the Nabateans, a Semitic people from the Arabian Peninsula, established their capital at Petra, which became a thriving center of trade and commerce. The Nabateans carved magnificent structures and tombs into the rose-colored sandstone cliffs, creating one of the most iconic archaeological sites in the world. Petra served as a key link in the trade routes between the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, and the Mediterranean.

Roman and Byzantine Rule: In 63 BCE, the Roman Empire conquered the region, incorporating it into the province of Arabia Petraea. The Romans established numerous cities, including Gerasa (Jerash), Philadelphia (Amman), and Gadara (Umm Qais). Jordan flourished under Roman rule, with impressive architectural structures, amphitheaters, temples, and colonnaded streets. Later, during the Byzantine period, Christianity spread throughout the region, and several Byzantine churches and monasteries were built.

Islamic Period: In the 7th century CE, the Islamic Rashidun Caliphate expanded its rule to the region, bringing Islam as the dominant religion. Jordan became part of various Islamic caliphates, including the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. Jordan witnessed significant historical events during this period, including the Battle of Yarmouk in 636, which marked a crucial turning point in the Muslim conquest of the Levant.

Crusader and Ayyubid Period: The 12th century witnessed the arrival of Crusaders in the region during the Crusades. The Crusaders established several fortresses and castles, including Karak, Shobak, and Ajloun, to defend their territories and maintain control over the Holy Land. The Ayyubids, led by Salah ad-Din (Saladin), eventually expelled the Crusaders from the region.

Ottoman Rule: In the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire gained control of the region, including present-day Jordan, and ruled for several centuries. The empire's influence can be seen in the architecture of various towns and cities, as well as the administrative structures that shaped the region's governance during this period.

Jordan borders

Jordan is a country located in the Middle East, bordered by several countries and bodies of water. Here are the borders of Jordan:

  • 1. Israel: Jordan shares its longest border with Israel to the west. The border stretches for approximately 307 kilometers (191 miles) from the southern tip of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba in the south. The border crossing points between Jordan and Israel include the Allenby/King Hussein Bridge and the Wadi Araba Crossing.
  • 2. West Bank (Palestinian Territories): To the northwest, Jordan shares a border with the West Bank, a territory under the administration of the Palestinian Authority. The border stretches for approximately 97 kilometers (60 miles) from the Jordan River in the north to the Dead Sea in the south.
  • 3. Syria: Jordan's northern border is shared with Syria. The border stretches for approximately 375 kilometers (233 miles) from the tripoint with Israel and Syria in the north to the eastern Jordanian border with Iraq. Due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, the border crossing points between Jordan and Syria have been closed or have limited access.
  • 4. Iraq: Jordan's northeastern border is shared with Iraq. The border stretches for approximately 181 kilometers (112 miles) from the tripoint with Syria and Iraq in the north to the southernmost point of the Jordan-Iraq border. The border crossing point between Jordan and Iraq is the Trebil Border Crossing, which serves as an important trade and transport route.
  • 5. Saudi Arabia: To the southeast, Jordan shares a border with Saudi Arabia. The border stretches for approximately 731 kilometers (454 miles) from the tripoint with Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the north to the tripoint with Saudi Arabia and the Red Sea in the south. The border crossing points between Jordan and Saudi Arabia include the Al-Omari Border Crossing and the Al-Karamah Border Crossing.
  • 6. Red Sea: Jordan has a small coastline along the northeastern tip of the Red Sea, providing access to international waters. The coastal area includes the port city of Aqaba, which serves as Jordan's primary maritime gateway.

These borders play a significant role in shaping Jordan's geopolitical landscape, facilitating trade and movement of people, as well as influencing political and cultural dynamics in the region.


In conclusion, Jordan is a remarkable country that captivates visitors with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and welcoming atmosphere. From the ancient wonders of Petra and Jerash to the natural marvels of the Dead Sea and Wadi Rum, Jordan offers a unique blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty. Its strategic location at the crossroads of different civilizations has shaped its history and contributed to its vibrant and diverse culture. Beyond its historical and natural attractions, Jordan's warm and hospitable people make any visit truly memorable. Whether you are exploring archaeological treasures, embarking on thrilling adventures, or simply immersing yourself in the local traditions and cuisine, Jordan leaves an indelible impression on all who visit. It is a destination that invites you to step back in time, appreciate the wonders of the present, and create unforgettable memories. So, come and experience the enchanting allure of Jordan, where ancient history meets modern charm, and where the past seamlessly blends with the present.

Friday 19 May 2023

China: A Nation of Rich Traditions and Modern Advancements


China, officially known as the People's Republic of China, is a remarkable and influential country located in East Asia. With a rich history spanning thousands of years, China has made significant contributions to art, science, philosophy, and technology. Today, it stands as the world's most populous nation, with a population exceeding 1.4 billion people. China's sheer size and diversity are evident in its expansive landscapes, ranging from towering mountain ranges to vast plains and coastal regions. As a global powerhouse, China has experienced rapid economic growth and is now the world's second-largest economy. Its vibrant cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, serve as bustling centers of commerce, culture, and innovation. China's unique blend of ancient traditions and modern advancements, combined with its political system and global influence, make it a captivating and complex nation. In this ever-changing world, understanding China and its multifaceted dynamics is of great importance. From its rich cultural heritage to its advancements in technology and its growing role on the global stage, exploring the various aspects of China offers a glimpse into a nation that continues to shape the world in numerous ways.

China: A Nation of Rich Traditions and Modern Advancements

Information on China

China, officially known as the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a vast country located in East Asia. It is the most populous country in the world, with a population of over 1.4 billion people. China has a rich history that spans thousands of years and has made significant contributions to art, science, philosophy, and technology.

The capital city of China is Beijing, which also serves as the political and cultural center of the country. China's political system is a socialist one-party state, with the Communist Party of China (CPC) holding power. The country has experienced rapid economic growth over the past few decades and is now the world's second-largest economy, trailing only the United States.

China is known for its diverse landscapes, ranging from the vast plains in the east to the Himalayan mountains in the west. It has a variety of climatic zones, including temperate, tropical, and arid regions. The country is home to many iconic landmarks and attractions, such as the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Army.

Chinese culture is deeply rooted in Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, which have influenced its art, literature, philosophy, and social structure. The Chinese language, Mandarin, is the most widely spoken language in the country, although there are several other regional languages and dialects.

China is a major global player and has a significant influence on the world stage. It is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and has become increasingly active in international affairs. The country has been involved in various territorial disputes, such as those in the South China Sea, and has embarked on ambitious infrastructure projects like the Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to enhance connectivity and trade between China and other countries.

Despite its economic success, China faces several challenges. Issues such as environmental pollution, income inequality, human rights concerns, and censorship have been subject to criticism both domestically and internationally. The Chinese government has implemented various policies to address these challenges, but they continue to be areas of ongoing concern.

In conclusion, China is a complex and diverse country with a rich history, a rapidly growing economy, and a significant global presence. Its cultural heritage, political system, and economic development make it a fascinating and influential nation in today's world.

Sunday 22 January 2023

Apple Watch Series 8: The Ultimate Personal Assistant

The Apple Watch Series 8 is the latest iteration of Apple's popular smartwatch line. It features a sleek, modern design with a large, high-resolution display and a variety of advanced fitness and health tracking features. It also offers a wide range of customizable watch faces and interchangeable bands, allowing users to personalize their device to suit their style. Additionally, the Series 8 offers a host of other features such as notifications, messaging, and voice commands, making it a convenient and versatile companion for both fitness enthusiasts and busy professionals alike. 

Apple Watch Series 8

Features of the Apple Watch Series 8

The Apple Watch Series 8 offers a wide range of features, including:

Advanced fitness and health tracking : 

The Series 8 includes a variety of sensors and algorithms to track your daily activity, exercise, and overall health. It can track your heart rate, calories burned, and even your sleep patterns.

Large, high-resolution display : 

The Series 8 features a large, crisp display that is easy to read in any lighting conditions.

Customizable watch faces and interchangeable bands : 

The Series 8 allows you to choose from a wide range of watch faces and bands to personalize your device to your style.

Notifications and messaging : 

The Series 8 can receive notifications from your phone and allows you to respond to text messages and other notifications directly from your wrist.

Siri voice commands : 

The Series 8 can be controlled by voice commands using Siri, Apple's virtual assistant.

Water resistant : 

The Series 8 is water-resistant up to 50 meters, making it safe to wear while swimming or doing other water activities.

GPS and cellular connectivity: The Series 8 can connect to GPS and cellular networks, allowing you to stay connected even when away from your phone.

can pay with Apple Watch Series 8 : 

The Series 8 allows you to make payments directly from your wrist using Apple Pay.

ECG and fall detection : 

With the ECG app, Series 8 can detect irregular heart rhythms, including Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) and can also detect when the wearer has taken a hard fall.

WatchOS : 

The Series 8 runs on WatchOS, the operating system specifically designed for the Apple Watch, which offers a wide range of features and apps.


Here is a technical sheet for the Apple Watch Series 8:

Display : 1.78-inch LTPO OLED Retina display with Force Touch (1000 nits)

Resolution : 448 x 368 pixels

Processor : S5 SiP (system in package)

Connectivity : Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS/GNSS, Cellular (LTE, UMTS)

Sensors : Heart rate sensor, ECG sensor, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Barometric altimeter, Compass, Ambient light sensor

Water resistance : 50 meters (5ATM)

Battery life : Up to 18 hours of regular use

Dimensions : 40mm: 40mm x 34mm x 10.7mm, 44mm: 44mm x 38mm x 10.7mm

Weight : 40mm: 36.5g, 44mm: 40g

Operating System : watchOS 8

Storage : 32GB or 64GB

Available in two sizes : 40mm and 44mm Available in various finishes like aluminum, stainless steel, titanium and ceramic

Please note that this is a general technical sheet and the specific features may vary based on the version of the Apple Watch Series 8 you are looking at.

Conclusion Apple Watch Series 8

In conclusion, the Apple Watch Series 8 is a powerful and versatile smartwatch that offers a wide range of features to enhance your fitness and health tracking, stay connected, and personalize your style. It has a large, high-resolution display and a variety of sensors and algorithms that make it a great companion for tracking your daily activity, exercise, and overall health. Additionally, the Series 8 also allows you to receive notifications, messaging, and even make payments directly from your wrist. With its water-resistant design, GPS and cellular connectivity, and Siri voice commands, the Series 8 is a convenient and practical device for busy professionals and fitness enthusiasts alike. It's compatible with iPhone 6s or later with iOS 14.3 or later, and available in various finishes like aluminum, stainless steel, titanium and ceramic.


Friday 30 December 2022

Waterproof Sport Watch Fitness Tracker Men Smart Watch Women 2022

Waterproof Sport Watch Fitness Tracker Men Smart Watch Women 2022 

Waterproof Sport Watch Fitness Tracker Men Smart Watch Women 2022

1. Fitness Tracker: heart rate/blood pressure/blood oxygen; sleep monitoring
2.Sport: step/distance/calorie
3. Multi-sport mode: walking, running, cycling, basketball, football, badminton, skipping rope
4. Information push: call, text message, instagram, Snapchat, Wechat, Kakao Talk, QQ, skype, line, whatsapp, facebook, linkeln, twitter, Tumblr
5. Information reminder APP settings
6.more feature:
Weather push; alarm clock; music playback control; shake to take pictures; More than 100 watch faces; custom wallpaper; turn wrist to brighten screen; sedentary/drink water/medicine reminder; find the mobile phone; a female menstrual period reminder 
android system supports Android 8.0 and above
IOS system IOS8.0 or above
Bluetooth version BLE5.0 
1.Watch languages: Chinese, English (default), German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Thai, Turkish, Czech, Dutch, Hindi, Slovak
2.APP language: Chinese, Chinese (traditional), English (default), German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Thai, Turkish, Czech, Dutch , Greek, Hungarian, Hindi, Korean, Slovak 
Intelligent blood oxygen monitoring, always full of oxygen
Long-term mental work or high-intensity exercise may cause blood
oxygen to drop. The watch can quickly monitor blood oxygen for you,
and easily grasp the blood oxygen data throughout the day. 
Blood pressure monitoring The watch quickly monitors your pressure, easily grasps the bloc pressure data throughout the c obtains the blood pressure valu any time, and grasps the physical state at one hand. 
Breathing training
Maintaining a gentle breathing rate is good for physical and mental health. 
Various dials Match your life occasion
There are a variety of style dials built-in, and it also supports custom editing dials, your style is defined by you, chill up 100+ & Can be switched at will by watch or APP, You can set your favorite photos as watchfaces 
IP68 waterproof Do what you want in any environment The waterproof design meets the needs of daily use, allowing you to wear it more freely in different environments. 
Watch weight: About 35g
Display: 1.83 inches
Resolution: 240X284
system: Support Android 8.0 and above IOS8.0 or above
Bluetooth: BLE 5.0
Master chip: BK3633
Battery capacity: 240mAh
Storage: FLASH,64Mbit
Standby time: 25 days
Battery life: 5-7 days
Charging method: Magnetic charging cable
Motor: Built-in vibration reminder 
Buy now

Wednesday 13 July 2022

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 taxi sim mod apk 2022 is a new free car racing simulation game developed by Ovidiu Pop for Andorid. The driver must pick up the passengers and deliver them to the destination. Successful activities will help to buy new cars and more efficiently to perform work.

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Features of downloading Taxi Sim 2022 hacked latest version

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With the hacked taxi sim 2022 game, you will reveal many major cities in the world, and this is what we will get to know with you through your Arabic Gamer site, where the player initially owns a simple yellow car and sits on its seat to start delivering regular customers.

But while continuing to succeed and excel in the driving profession, the player will be able to get luxury cars and deliver VIP customers, and he will meet all weather conditions while driving and feel as if he is walking on a realistic road and roaming the streets of the largest global cities.

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In the hacked taxi sim 2022 game, the player can control his car in multiple ways, and this is by pressing the pedals that are located on the right of the game interface, and through the steering wheel button he can also control the directions of the car with ease.

taxi sim 2022 hacked game also contains a great set of additional buttons, such as windshield wipers and intermittent lights, and although they do not interfere with driving the car, they will help send the sound and image of the car so that the player can advance with it.

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In this game, you will find a lot of other buttons, which are 00, which have been placed to close or open the taxi windows, as well as operate the windshield wipers, and the new version of the game has also been added to many major global cities.

In taxi sim 2022 hacked, you will see that the developers of the game have already put the graphics of the cities that you will see as you walk around them as if they are real and you will see the landmarks that these cities are famous for as if you actually see them, let's roam and go to Paris, New York, Washington and many other global cities.

Taxi Driver Game Features

There are many wonderful features that made the game one of the favorite games of many children around the world, which come to you as follows:

  • Having an impressive array of different vehicles.
  • Discover many wonderful global cities.
  • Realistic controls, where you can go forward and backward with ease.
  • Updated engine sounds.
  • The presence of diverse and wonderful environments for the weather.

Wednesday 31 March 2021

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Some argue that the Battle Royale games are an endless curse, and some see it as fun that does not want to end, and I in fact do not join me with any of these opinions. I think they are good games, but they do not deserve all that fame because there are games better than them, but they are not as popular as the new Battle Royale games So today, my friends, we will learn how to download Free Fire 2021 for the computer through the Game Loop emulator, and we will learn about the download method for Android and iPhone as well. Just follow with me the next paragraphs for more information on how to do this.

Download Free Fire 2021 for GameLoop, Android and iPhone

It is worth noting that the game Free Fire or Garena Free Fire is one of the oldest battle royale games that you can play on your device, and as is the case in all smartphone games, it has become possible to play it on your computer through the emulator and because the regular simulation programs do not work well With games, a group of developers have created a game emulator known as a Game Loop emulator. I have talked to you about it in more than one separate post, and today we will talk about it again so that we can download Free Fire 2021 for the computer in a very easy and simple way, but we will start in the beginning with the method of downloading and operating on Android, iPhone, and later computer method

Download Free Fire 2021 for Android

In fact, my friends, the process of downloading Free Fire 2021 for Android is one of the easiest things that you can do. You will not need to take many steps at all to start this process. You will only click on the link at the end of the article and you will be directed to the Google Play Store and from the store you can start. In the process of downloading the game to your phone, the process will not take much time at all, and the most important thing that distinguishes this game is that it works well on all Android phones, even weak ones, and this is really very wonderful.

How to run Free Fire 2021 for Android

In the beginning, after completing the download process, open the game on your phone, and the main interface will appear to you at the beginning as it is in that exact image and all you have to do is wait until the completion of the game configuration process in order to work on your Android phone.

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After that, you will be transferred to that interface through which you will be able to start entering the game by logging in through your Facebook account or through any other account, or you can log in as a guest by clicking on the guest option.

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After that, you will be asked what is your level in the Battle Royale games in general and you will select the level in order to start the process of entering the main game interface.

Explain how to run Free Fire 2021 for Android

And at that moment, you will be entered into a quick introductory fight through which you can start the process of identifying all the game tools, and in case you like it, you can log in through your Facebook account or any other account and start the process of playing continuously.

Download Free Fire 2021 for iPhone

As for the process of downloading the Free Fire 2021 game for iPhone, it is not much different from the Android method only, you will click on the link for the download for iPhone at the end of the article and you will be transferred to the App Store and through this wonderful store you will be able to start the process of downloading Free Fire 2021 for iPhone In a few seconds, and once you complete this command, you will be able to start running the game without the need to go through any steps to update or download additional files, unlike many other games that may need a lot of time.

How to run Free Fire 2021 for iPhone

In fact, my friends, there is nothing new that I can add in the way to run the game on the iPhone, the same steps that we did in the previous paragraph on Android phones are the same steps that you will take on the iPhone phones, after you finish downloading Free Fire 2021 for iPhone you will open the game on your phone and you will record Log in using your Facebook account and you will be able to start the playing process immediately. It is worth noting that the game recently got a new update where you can play the character of the famous footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo, and this is really amazing.

Download Free Fire 2021 for the computer

In order to be able to download the game on your computer, you need to download a Game Loop emulator and you can do this by clicking here and you will be directed to the official website of the emulator and from there you can start the installation process, and you will notice, dear reader, that the download process takes place in seconds. They are numbered because the file that is downloaded is not the entire emulator file, but rather it is known as the installer through which the emulator is downloaded to the computer and the rest of its files are installed.

How to install Game Loop emulator

In fact, my friends, what makes me the most about this emulator is the ease of downloading and installation so that the game starts after the download process automatically as soon as the emulator download process is finished and you will see this for yourself in very quick and few steps only once the download process that we did in the previous step is finished. Open the file, and the emulator interface will appear exactly as it is in that image.

Download the Free Fire game on the computer

As it is clear, dear reader, the process of downloading the emulator takes place without any problems without any interference from you, and all you have to do, dear reader, is to wait, it is now completely dependent on the speed of your connection to the Internet and once the download process is completed, the process of downloading the Fire 2021 game on the computer or Your laptop, and you will notice this by yourself, and we will see it together through the following paragraph. Just follow me.

After the emulator downloading process is completed, as shown in the previous image, you will notice, dear reader, that the Free Fire 2021 download process for the computer started immediately on the Game Loop emulator, although the manual download process is very easy, but in fact that version of the emulator It is programmed to do this and that is one of the most important features in this version.

Explanation of how to install the Gameloop emulator

You will notice, dear reader, that the process of downloading the Free Fire game for the computer is very easy, and once the download process is completed, the game will run immediately on the computer as it is in that image as well, but at the beginning you will need to download a small file with an area of ​​about 30 MB in order for the game to work with the latest update and once it is finished From that step, you can easily run the Free Fire game on your computer without the need to download any additional programs.


Although there are a lot of ways through which you can download Free Fire 2021 for the computer, this method is the best ever because the control process inside the game is really unique, and you will notice yourself, dear reader, that things are going well really well as you can also Control the quality of the graphics that you will get. If your computer is weak, you can reduce the quality of graphics or graphics so that the game works better. In addition, there are a lot of wonderful additions that you will get when playing through the computer and for this this method is the best and I advise you all to apply it.

Android version download link

IPhone version download link

computer version download link 


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Friday 19 March 2021

Download Warface 2021 game for PC for free

 Warface 2021 embodies one of the most famous and strongest fighting and action games, these games that are related to the performance of tasks, which creates a strong argument for players to use the game and always play it completely, but also works to update the desire to continue practicing it always, and based on the ideas of the players, the game represents One of the most popular games geared specifically for the computer, within the genre of action, fighting, strength and adventure games.

Download Warface 2021 game for PC for free

Download Warface 2021

Download the game Warface, is one of the highest games of action, adventure and excitement, as the game was able to acquire the abundant amount of non-negative evaluations and more than amazing viewpoints by the players, and in fact those evaluations are not from Before any players like this, not dear reader, except that it is by specialists who specialize in the field of games, as they are more professional in that field, compared to any one newer in the meaning of the word, and all that the game requires from its players is the original experience, if You were imagining that you had experience, so what do you expect? Rush to play it immediately, and in no way are you confused about not undertaking this endeavor, and we will talk with you in detail about the date of the start of the game.

About download game Warface

Continues to play the game Warface from the Internet, and the game has witnessed in recent times a great turnout over it, as it multiplies every day, and therefore for its various features, and these different qualities that work to update the desire of the players all the time, as it is characterized by a range Highly skilled experience required in addition to accurate and good planning, and all that the game requires is that you establish the account concerned with you through the game on the Internet, or through the official website assigned to the game, and the account establishment process is calculated for the purpose of ease, as all that is required in the matter of time It is within 2 minutes to 3, and this is in order to save your lead rate, and your work is not wasted in vain, knowing that your experience increases gradually with the extent of increasing the rate pertaining to you within the game.

Operating requirements for the Warface game for the computer

  • The lowest acceptable limit
  • Operating system: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Ten.
  • Processor: 0 GHz Dual Core and above?
  • RAM: 2 GB.
  • Screen Card: GeForce 8600 GT 256MB or ATI (AMD) Radeon X1950 256MB and above.
  • The desired location on the hard disk for installation: 6 GB.

Properties that are advised

  • Operating system: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Ten.
  • Kernel operating policy: 64 homes.
  • Processor: 6 GHz Dual Core.
  • RAM: 2 GB.
  • Graphics card: GeForce 9600 GT 512MB or ATI (AMD) Radeon 4830 512MB high resolution.
  • The desired location on the hard disk to install the game: 6 GB.

Download the Wareface 2021 game for the computer

  1. Game name: Wareface 2021 game
  2. The publisher site for the game
  3. Category: Computer Games 2021
  4. The license is free
  5. Version 2021

Downloadable to your computer


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