Sunday 12 January 2020

Jamal Khashoggi [Full Story]

Perhaps you have heard about the life of the writer and journalist Jamal Khashoggi and his experiences?
But you must have also heard the news of his death?

Jamal Khashoggi

About Jamal Khashoggi?

Jamal Khashoggi is a Saudi writer and journalist who was born on the thirteenth day of October 1958 in Medina.
Khashoggi comes from a family of Turkish origin who settled in the region where Jamal was born more than five centuries ago.
Jamal Khashoggi grew up in Medina, where he studied in the 'Taibah' secondary school before leaving the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to complete his study trip at Indiana University in the United States of America, which in turn obtained his graduation certificate.
Jamal Khashoggi married many times and his last marriage was in 2010 by Dr. Alaa Mahmoud Nassif.

Some of Khashoggi's books include “The Arab Spring in the Time of the Muslim Brotherhood”, “Critical Relations of Saudi Arabia after September 11” and “The Occupation of the Saudi Market” In addition to many other writings and books.

 Jamal Khashoggi’s experiences
Jamal Khashoggi’s career career started, specifically as a reporter with an English-language newspaper, “Saudi Gazette,” and later worked for several Arab newspapers, including the newspaper “Asharq Al-Awsat”. Khashoggi became famous in the period that witnessed the Afghan war on Al-Sufyut and the month of Khashoggi Then, by covering the field for the aforementioned last war, he also covered the short democratic transition in Algeria and the second Gulf War.
Jamal Khashoggi was appointed vice president of the "Arab News" newspaper in 1999, and he was known for his reports and coverage, then he became editor-in-chief.
 Al-Watan, known at the time as the most daring newspaper and critical of internal affairs, and Khashoggi did not last a month until He was sacked.
Ambassador Prince Faisal Jamal Khashoggi chose a media advisor for him in Lyden and then Washington and remained in that state until 2007, and Khashoggi played an important role in shaping his country's foreign policy in capitals where most of the world's decisions are taken.
After the year 2007, Jamal Khashoggi returned to the world of journalism from Al-Bab Al-Kabeer, where he was again appointed as the editor-in-chief of a newspaper The controversial `` homeland '' and opposed many of the policies and decisions taken by Saudi Arabia, in order to be accompanied in 2010 by campaigns of distortion, especially from the religious trend, to force him to resign from the post.
Khashoggi remained writing in the newspaper, Al-Hayat, and he was one of the defenders of the Kingdom's foreign policy, especially in the Yemen war, and he received follow-up and hosts from Arab channels and foreign research centers as an analyst and expert close to the authority.

 Jamal Khashoggi’s crisis with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Khashoggi continued in his account and analyzes, where he encouraged the support of the Arab Spring and sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood despite his opposition to them in many points until the publication of a warning tweet to Saudi Arabia about US President Donald Trump's policy towards his country's regime and Trump's abuse of it, which led to a change in the relationship with The authority headed towards turbidity, as the Saudi authorities issued a statement confirming that Khashoggi had no connection with the government and represented only his person.

Khashoggi’s relationship with the authority developed to the most complicated, and the Saudi authorities prevented him from writing and tweeting for 9 months to return to writing after the end of the ban period to publish articles on “Al-Hayat” newspaper praising the Muslim Brotherhood. He did not like the ruling authority, and made him stop writing forever on The hand of the newspaper publisher.
After Saudi Arabia’s arrest campaigns against a number of religious, political, and social faces, Khashoggi decided to leave for
He used the opportunity to express his views and publish it on the newspaper "Washington Post", criticizing the authoritarian situation in which the Kingdom is living, its foreign policies, and its exposure to the Arab revolutions known as the Arab Spring and the rule of King Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud.

 The end of Jamal Khashoggi
Jamal Khashoggi entered his country's consulate building in Istanbul on October 2, 2018 to obtain documents to be married to his fiancée, who was waiting for him outside the building, but Jamal Khashoggi entered and did not return.
After the disappearance of Khashoggi, the Saudi authorities announced that he had left the building before the disappearance, until international pressures forced Saudi Arabia to authorize the death of Jamal Khashoggi, following a fight that occurred while entering the consulate, and then replaced the novel by announcing that a Saudi security team consisting of 17 ten people had planned and executed the crime and The authorities stopped them for investigation.
Recall that there are special international calls from Turkey and the United States of America required to reveal the truth about this crime and the fate of Jamal Khashoggi’s body.
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