Wednesday 5 February 2020

The division of the Arab states [Sykes-Picot agreement]

The division of the Arab states, the largest intellectual and impartial process of modification that took place in our minds, is our conviction of the idea that dirt, stone, sand, and delusional borders are homeland, and that we must be patient with government failures, because by this we serve the homeland, and that we must die in the wall of water. And Pico, and they named the barn inside it in the homeland, and they gave each sheep inside the pens an identity card, a nationality, and a passport, so that people would know exactly the way they dyed cattle so that their owners would separate them from the cattle of others, even though this name If you use distinction, you may find some people serve this idea without awareness of them, so they think that they are sacred and of great importance and history, so you find the Egyptian, Saudi, Qatari, Algerian, Moroccan and others who are proud of the history of their countries and their rulers or rather their patronage if we liken ourselves to cattle and each of them kills his brother if he crosses the deserts to the holy soil Grinding and ravishing everyone who crosses the delusional borders to the holy soil has become a great honor and patriotism, as if we were guard dogs that do not care what to guard, but all that matters to them is that no one exceeds these limits and death for the homeland that I provide and prepared for you by the rapist has become a testimony and a death for the sake of God is not NH is not only death for the sake of the orchestrated machinations and you find the people we became exchanging insults, hatred and division, although the Muslims are one nation.
The Sykes-Picot Agreement introduced the whole nation in 100 years of homelessness and loss and made loyalty and obedience complicated on a fenced piece of land with a thorny fence, and a piece of color cloth with colors that could be infringed on sanctities and not infringed upon, whoever possesses nationality is my brother and my friend even if he is an infidel, and who is outside this Imaginary borders are my worst enemy, even if he is Muslim.Who are Sykes and Pico? What is the Sykes-Picot agreement?

How did the division of Arab countries occur?

On November 8, 1917, the Bolshevik army commander, Leon Trotsky, revealed the developments and details of the Sykes-Picot agreement, which was based on the distribution of the Arab world to a region with British influence and other French influence under the consent of Tsarist Russia at the time, after the recognition of the partners France and Britain that he had Tsarist Russia interests in some regions of the Ottoman Empire in both Asia and the Caucasus.

What is the Sykes-Picot agreement?

During the year 1916, by virtue of the agreement, Russia obtained its share of the pie so that it placed its hand on Istanbul or Constantinople and controlled the banks of the Bosphorus and large areas east of Anatolia in the Russian-Turkish borders, while France acquired a large part of the Levant and another part of Anatolia and the Mosul region in Iraq and Britain have subjugated the southern end of the Levant as an extension of Baghdad and all the areas that lie between Persia and the French spheres of influence. As for the region that borders southern Syria and which has not been subject to any control by the three partners, its decision is resolved to consult its fate between Britain and France and Russia These circumstances the area that we know well is Palestine, and after consultation was doomed in the port of Haifa and Acre port of Britain's share to get France on the freedom to use the port of Haifa and paid Britain from France got the freedom to use the port of Iskenderun.

After the failure of the British campaign in the area of ​​the Turkish straits, this last one found a solution in the dispute between Arabs and Turkey, so I worked to attract the ruler of the honorable Hejaz Hussein to its side, and the two sides of the two sides were separated from the two sides. Britain's plan was to use the Arabs to put pressure on the heritage and make a revolution against them until the Ottoman Empire weakened and enacted Britain had the opportunity to destroy it, and for Al-Hussein, it was aimed at establishing an Arab country that includes the Levant, Iraq, and the Hejaz.
However, doubts and mistrust affected the three allies after Russia's greed in annexing Jerusalem and Palestine within its spheres of influence, and France's great focus on the Levant region, especially Syria, which stirred the fears of Britain, King Khalid, King Saud, and the King of Egypt France and Russia from the Suez Canal poses a threat to Britain, which takes the Suez Canal as a route for its commercial links with India and either These concerns Artapt all the parties did not find these colonial states only the conclusion of the historic deal solution.
In April 1915, a secret agreement was concluded between Britain, Russia, and France, which stipulated the right of Russia to seize the Turkish straits, and its environs. In return, Constantinople would become a free zone, and the enclaves of the Mullahs would be free. Whereas, the Holy Places and the Arabian Peninsula are subject to independent Islamic rule.

Origins of the Six Seas Convention

In November 1915, François Georges Picot appointed the former consul in Beirut, delegated to the affairs of the Near East, who represented France, where he traveled to Cairo, and there was a secret meeting with the British representative on the affairs of the envoy. After the Cairo Underground Agreement, then Six, Picot and the delegate of Russia moved to San Petersburg, Russia, there, and created the articles of the Saye agreement. Q Pico, which reads as follows:

  • Western Syria, Lebanon, and Adana, in favor of France
  • South and central Iraq and east Jordan, to the Iranian border with the port of Haifa and Acre in Palestine for the benefit of Britain
  • Northern Kurdistan and the Armenian states in favor of Caesarea, with the right to defend the interests of Orthodox in Palestine
  • The remainder of Palestine is shared international territory
  • The Alexandria port becomes freeUnder these items section of the Arab world and like a cake on the three countries in complete secrecy and history books one I encourage attacks on peoples which still impact obvious to today All of Palestine is occupied, Iraq ravished and Syria usurped and Saudi Arabia Mtoatoh and Qatar, serving foreign interests and became Find Jordanians comfortably because the Jews did not cross the borders of the Jordan River and thank his Lord that his country was spared the occupation and the Egyptian inspired him "Six Sacks" Lecco "that Palestine is a brother country deserves sympathy, but not his homeland to which it belongs essentially, did not react with the Zionist invasion of Palestine does not speak nor indeed did not feel a threat to his country only when the fall of the Sinai in Israeli hands.

Thus, the agreement to divide the Arab cake after the World War was carried out by two men who controlled the fate of the Arab nation.
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