Friday 27 March 2020

Who invented the game Pubg? Information you hear the first time about the inventor of the game Pubg

The Pigeon Game is one of the most popular games in the world. But have you ever wondered who invented this game? Together we will get to know this interesting man, and together we will discover the success story of the pioneering designer Brendan Green, who invented the popular mobile game.

The inventor of the game Pubg

Who is the inventor of the game Pubg and from which country?

Brendan Green, a strange man, was born in 1976 (43 years) in the city of Ballyshannon, in the State of Ireland.

Brendan Green is the person behind the Pubg game. He was born in Ireland but moved to Brazil to work as a photographer and web designer. During his time in this South American country, he found love and married. Two years later, his wife deserted him and his marriage ended, and he decided to return to Ireland.

The story of the inventor of the famous game Pubg
Brenden Green was stuck in Brazil and did not have enough money to buy the return ticket to Ireland after his wife left him alone. So Brendan Green stayed in his room saving his money from web design and photographing weddings in order to return to his country.

The creator of the Pubg game says that he played everything from Atari 2007 to Playsation 2. Then he discovered the world of game modification, introducing his own character and developing it in his own way.

The Pubg game designer started his career at home and began to chart his first steps. He introduced the classic Arma 2 game in DayZ: Battle Royale, which was a huge hit. The doors were opened to Irish Green, Geith, employed by game developer Dybrick. But he did not stay for long.

Months later, Brendan Green traveled by plane to Seoul. The people behind Bluehole in South Korea were impressed with Green's ideas. And now the biggest challenge for Brenden Green is designing a PUBG game.

Six years ago, Brendan Green was 37 years old, and he was divorced and made $ 300 per month. Today he is the inventor of the Pubg game. The Pubg game generated revenues of about one billion dollars in 2018.

Fortune inventor Game PUBG
The inventor of the Pubg game turned from a simple simple person to a billionaire. Where the Pubg game achieved great success, turning Brenden Greeny into a billionaire. Together, we will learn about the revenues of the PUBG game and the revolution of the founder of the PUBG game.

The Pubg game managed to surpass the profits of large international companies in a short time, and according to a report issued by the sensor tower, the Pubg game achieved approximately 150 million dollars in May 2019, with a growth rate of 126% from April.

Pubg game profits per day from computer users are estimated at 2.3 million dollars, and approximately 2.5 million dollars from mobile phone users. Without counting China!

The founder and developer of the PUBGY Brendan Green game managed to achieve a fortune of 200 million dollars within 4 months of launching the game. And the number may increase more and more with the increasing popularity of the game. Did he not have enough money to secure the return ticket to his country?

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Amazing information about PUBG game 
  • The Pubg game was banned in a large number of countries, such as Iraq, Jordan and India, as a result of the violent nature and its control over the minds of players and led to divorce, marital problems and cases of violence in the slave from places around the world. If you want to know more.
  • The creator of the Pubg game does not play his game, which made him a billionaire in a short time. Isn't this strange? Yes, Brenden Green does not like to stay long hours playing in Pigeon.
  • The secret to naming the Pubg game as playerunknown's battlegrounds is due to the name Brendan Greeny, who is well-known in video games, and he called himself the unknown player.
  • The Pubg game managed to break the world record for the number of players present at one time, to break the game Pubg the record that was recorded for the game volve dota 2
  • chicken dinner or chicken dinner that appears when you win a game, taken from the battle royale game that Brendan Green had previously developed. But they originally go back to ancient times in the early century, when they were playing gambling and when one of them wins, the winner of the chicken dinner shouted, meaning that he will be able to buy the chicken dinner. Isn't that cool? 

At the end of the article, we invite you to watch this video for more information about the inventor of the Pubg game.
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